To Be One, Ask One

To Be One, Ask One

From the East – April 2017

My Brother,

History shows us that the term Fellowcraft had a different but similar meaning in Operative Masonry. The term “fellow” meant one belonged to a group, guild or “craft.” In this craft, there were officers and subordinates, or Apprentices. There was only one Master who led the craft.

Operative Masonry clearly had defined roles and as such created subordinates. One would have to prove himself in his knowledge and proficiency so that he could advance to become a Fellow within the craft.

As Operative Masonry membership began to dwindle it was decided to allow members who were intrigued by the craft for personal or political reasons. This gave rise to Speculative Masonry and eventually led to what we know as Free Masonry today. In the previous messages, I have spoken about laying of the foundational cornerstone than the testing of character and continuously improving on oneself. As we approach the Degree of Fellowcraft we turn our focus from testing man’s character to focusing on the man himself.

During the Passing of the man, we focus on how he is an instrument of the Supreme Architect, his dignity, and worth of an individual and his duty.  His duty as a man is to invent, create and achieve. This allows him to express his own genius and individuality. It also continues with what we were taught in the Initiation and symbolizes the man always seeking light. Previous we were taught every man has a friend to guide him through his journey. During this degree we are taught that every man is responsible for himself; to educate himself and achieve. Without the raw ambition of the individual our Fraternity would not exist.

This ambition allows him to seek light, ask for guidance, prove his proficiency, and not only improve himself in Masonry but also in life. While the Fellow Craft degree focuses on self we must remember that we cannot always travel alone; after all we are accepting a Fellow into the Craft.


Jonathan Murray Worshipful Master, 2017