To Be One, Ask One

To Be One, Ask One

From the East- May 2016

My Dear Brother,Jeremiah Masonic (3)

Contrary to what many believe Freemasonry is not a secret society. It does not hide its existence nor its membership. There has been no attempt to conceal the purposes, aims and principles of Freemasonry. More than 25,000 books have been written about Freemasonry. You may select one or more from your Public Library.

It is an organization which has as its principal teachings Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. Its constitutions are published for the world to behold. Its rules and regulations are open for inspection. It is true that we have modes of recognition and ceremonies with which the world is not acquainted. In this regard all family groups and institutions have private affairs.

Freemasonry traces its ancestry to the operative craftsmen, primarily cathedral builders, of the Middle Ages. These men, because of their special knowledge and skills, were permitted special travel privileges from country to country. They developed means of recognition’s and identification of their work. In the 17th & 18th Centuries, as cathedral building came to an end, some of the operative Masonic Lodges accepted into membership men who were not operative craftsmen. Gradually the Lodges came to be composed entirely of philosophical or speculative Masons. From these groups Freemasonry of today had it beginnings.

Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, fairness in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate resistance toward evil, help for the weak, forgiveness for the penitent, love for one another and, above all, reverence and love for God.


Freemasonry is many things but, most of all, FREEMASONRY IS A WAY OF LIFE.


I remain your friend and brother,

Jeremiah Phillips

Worshipful Master