To Be One, Ask One

To Be One, Ask One

From the East – May 2017

My Brother,

During the Fellow Craft & Master Mason Degrees we are taught to “relieve all poor and distressed Brother Masons, so far as their necessities may seem to require…” This portion of the degrees pays special meaning during this time in the Lodge both operatively and speculatively.

This last month has been an adjustment for most of us in the lodge. Brothers are being initiated and passed, Brothers are having their cable-tows stretched, Brothers are stepping up in the Lodge, and the Lodge is progressing.

At our last communication I had informed you that I was going to pursuing a career opportunity that would require me to move out of the state. This decision has indeed stretched my cable-tow, almost to the point of breaking, both with my family and the business of the Lodge. But as Masons we are true to our obligations and you have relieved your distressed Brother during a time when I needed it most. For this I am forever in your debt.

Some may think relief is helping one monetarily or providing something to which they are not able to acquire on their own. Our situation is a perfect example of many Brothers helping with their time towards something greater than themselves, together for the greater good of our members and the Lodge. Understanding that distress can simply mean not having the ability with time or physical location to fulfill all the duties that may be required.

As you progress in your journey through life and in Masonry you will inevitably encounter situations, both internally and externally, that will put you into distress. During these times it is your duty to reach out for help as much as it is for others to help that can.

During each of our individual journey’s I ask that each one of us recall what we swore to. Try to understand its meaning from both operative and speculative perspectives. As each of us grow in life the obligations we took will become clear to your view and apply to many different scenarios both with yourself and other Brother’s.

Again, my brother, I would like to extend my gratitude in helping out a fellow Brother during his time of need.


Jonathan Murray Worshipful Master, 2017