To Be One, Ask One

To Be One, Ask One

Red Cross Blood Drive

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Regular Communication

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Regular Communication

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Regular monthly communication meeting

Regular Communication

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

6:30 Dinner 7:30 Meeting

Regular Communication

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Dinner - 6:30, Lodge opens - 7:30Dress - Officers formal, Brothers business

Rehearsal OV and EA

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Pizza at 6:30pm. Rehearsal at 7:00pm. All officers.Practice Official visit and first half of EA degree

Regular Communication

Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States

Dinner 6:30pm. Official Visit. Hawaiian Shirt Night!