Regular Communication
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesRegular monthly communication meeting
Regular Communication
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United States6:30 Dinner 7:30 Meeting
DLI, Masters and Deacons only
Mount Holly Lodge #14 15 Garden Street, Mount Holly, New JerseyRegular Communication
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesDinner - 6:30, Lodge opens - 7:30Dress - Officers formal, Brothers business
Masonic Service for DB Robert Hanold
Bradley & Stow 127 Medford - Mt. Holly Road, Medford, New Jersey, United StatesPlease arrive by 2:30 to prepare
Rehearsal OV and EA
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesPizza at 6:30pm. Rehearsal at 7:00pm. All officers.Practice Official visit and first half of EA degree
Regular Communication
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesDinner 6:30pm. Official Visit. Hawaiian Shirt Night!
Grand Master’s Picnic
Where: Tall Cedars Picnic Grove, 245 Sawmill Road, Hamilton NJ 08620 Deadline for reservation is August 16th. Pay via PayPal at
Regular Communication
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesDinner at 6:30, Lodge opens 7:30Dress - Officers, Formal, Brothers, Business Our speaker will be brother Dave Diamond, who will discuss running his distillery, the Train Wreck.
Wooden Sign Workshop
Medford Lodge 178 25 Bank Street, Medford, NJ, United StatesDinner available at 6:30pm Join us for a workshop to create a one-of-a-kind fall decoration. Step by step instructions, fall paint colors, berry vine with leaves and all other supplies…
Masonic Funeral Service for WB Jerry Albecht
Park View Cemetery & Crematory at Kirby's Mill 25 Fostertown Road, Medford, New Jersey, United StatesGrand Master’s Reception
Burlington Fellowship Center 1114 Oxmead Road, Burlington, New Jersey, United StatesAzureMasada Lodge #22 cordially invites you to attend the official visit and reception in honor of Most Worshipful Robert V. MonacelliGrand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey,…