From the East – October 2024

Greetings Brethren,
The hoodwink, or blindfold, is material designed to cover the eyes. As Masons we attribute a deeper meaning to this simple cloth. We are taught on our first entry into the Lodge that we live and walk by faith, not by sight. That we must trust others to guide us safely. From the time of our birth to the grave, a man learns that to move through the dark requires a guide. As we move through life these guides assist us in our travels and help us to avoid danger. Freemasons gladly provide guidance to the candidate to ensure his safe progress. Since no man can find his way alone, we must in humility trust our Guide, follow Him and fear no danger.
Freemasonry is not the originator of the hoodwink. Religious groups, organizations, clubs, and tribes have used them for centuries in rituals. Darkness has been a symbol of ignorance throughout history. During initiation the Druids were in darkness for nine days and nights. Among Persians the period of darkness was fifty days and included solitude and fasting.
The hoodwink represents going from darkness to light or, ignorance to knowledge. During ritual there is “darkness on the face of the deep.” The darkness is removed by the spirit of the Deity. The symbolism of the hoodwink is not about placing the candidate into the darkness, but about the removal of the darkness to let in the light. We must endeavor to pursue light at all times in our daily lives and trust our Brothers to guide us.
Short Talk Bulletin, Vol. XXXV, August 1957, No. 8.
WM Hugh Christine