From the East – February 2023
Greetings Brethren,
As we approach our first Entered Apprentice Degree of the year, I ask that you take a moment and reflect on what you yourself had experienced that night. Although it may be a distant memory for some, it really isn’t too hard to imagine oneself in a candidate’s place.
As you may observe the degree progress, you may recall to your mind how you once felt while being guided around our lodge. The curiousness
of the questions being asked on your behalf, and what it was all supposed to mean. It is a unique memory. Unique in a way that It is a memory that is shared by all those who have gone that way before.
It is those faltering steps that were so very important to what makes us Freemasons. It is a shared experience that spans across numerous generations, Lodges, and nationalities. It is something that we can identify and relate to with any of the Fraternity. It binds us together. It instills us with the foundations of Morality, Brotherly Love, and Charity. And it is on that foundation, that we were made a Mason. Conveying the degree should not only be about the making of a new Mason. It should also be a time to remind and renew ourselves of those principles. To guide and elevate the ones who may come after us, and to support and love the ones who came before.
And if all else, I hope you, as well as our future Brethren, will remember the first order each newly initiated brother was given by the Worshipful Master.
Thus, may we ever walk, act, and conduct ourselves as such before God and man.
WM Rigil Abellanosa