From the East – May 2024

Greetings Brethren,
We are first introduced to “wise and serious truths” in the Entered Apprentice Degree and then during the Fellow Craft Degree. Each introduction was meant to focus your attention but, how should we interpret this phrase?
As we are prepared for our first entry into the Lodge we are informed that the ceremonies are intended to convey “wise and serious truths.” When we hear the study of the liberal arts is recommended the intent is to be-come a life-long learner of all things to broaden our minds. Today we have easy access to knowledge that did not exist years ago. The goal is to encourage the candidate and all Master Masons to continue obtaining light.
In this approach a review of the Middle Chamber lecture uses the symbology to achieve excellence in learning. The lesson of the Fellow Craft Degree continues the journey of personal excellence. It applies to the candidate, all Freemasons and extends to our interaction with all citizens.
At the conclusion of the degree we are reminded that tools and implements of architecture are selected to imprint “wise and serious truths” to our minds. Are you applying your tools wisely?
Source: Short Talk Bulletin, Vol XLIX, November 1971, No. 11
WM Hugh Christine